PROSPERITY EXPERIMENT: Your individual “formula” on where you’re at for where you want to be!
This program designed from input of the best prosperity masters
produces the formula of specifically where you are at for where you want to be.
Fill out this formula and reply to this email for the preliminary individual formula
on what little shift in behavior and belief to have a prosperous life.
1. Where did you learn your belief systems about money?
a. Born with it?
b. Growing up (most of life’s perspectives are developed between 10 to 13)?
c. Parents and family?
d. Experiences (good or bad)?
e. Spouse?
f. Fear of being broke (many people actually have an intense worry about being homeless)?
g. No willingness to take action?
h. Misunderstanding and not totally clear perspective about having wealth (many spiritual teachers say this is the most common issue)?
i. Futile desire to be frugal so one can have something to will to others?
j. Not having gratitude for what you have now?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thought this was a nice article about top 10 animal moms. Of course the cheetah mom was in there! Here's the link.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Stifled Anger at Work Doubles Men's Risk for Heart Attack
MONDAY, Nov. 23 (HealthDay News) -- Men who bottle up their anger over unfair treatment at work could be hurting their hearts, a new Swedish study indicates.
Men who consistently failed to express their resentment over conflicts with a fellow worker or supervisor were more than twice as likely to have a heart attack or die of heart disease as those who vented their anger, claims a report in the Nov. 24 online edition of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
In fact, ignoring an ongoing work-related conflict was associated with a tripled risk of heart attack or coronary death, the study of almost 2,800 Swedish working men found.
"It is not good just to walk away after having such a conflict or to swallow one's feelings," said study co-author Constanze Leineweber, a psychologist at Stockholm University's Stress Research Institute.
For more info go to
The study did not specify good ways of coping with work-related stress -- "We just looked at the bad side of coping," Leineweber explained.
The study doesn't advocate being belligerent at work, Leineweber cautioned. "Shouting out, and so on, is not proper coping," she said.
Men who consistently failed to express their resentment over conflicts with a fellow worker or supervisor were more than twice as likely to have a heart attack or die of heart disease as those who vented their anger, claims a report in the Nov. 24 online edition of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
In fact, ignoring an ongoing work-related conflict was associated with a tripled risk of heart attack or coronary death, the study of almost 2,800 Swedish working men found.
"It is not good just to walk away after having such a conflict or to swallow one's feelings," said study co-author Constanze Leineweber, a psychologist at Stockholm University's Stress Research Institute.
For more info go to
The study did not specify good ways of coping with work-related stress -- "We just looked at the bad side of coping," Leineweber explained.
The study doesn't advocate being belligerent at work, Leineweber cautioned. "Shouting out, and so on, is not proper coping," she said.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
King Cheetah! What a rare cat!
A genetic mutation has resulted in the creation of the very rare King Cheetah. Characterised by a black strip running the length of its back and a short mane, it is difficult to miss. Only a handful of these cheetahs have been spotted in the wild. This has been put down to the fact that both the male and female cheetah need to pass on a recessive gene trait in order to bore a king.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
International Year of Astronomy: Get to Know the Cosmos
Ever want to know more about the moon, planets, stars, galaxies and other objects that light up the night sky? With 2009 designated the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009), now is the perfect time to enhance your knowledge of the cosmos.
IYA2009 is a global effort, initiated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to spark interest in the universe. Kicked off on January 15 in Paris, France, thousands of events are being held around the world to encourage people, particularly the youth, to explore the final frontier.
Mankind has gazed and been amazed by the heavens since prehistoric times, but only within the last 1,000 or so years have we sought to understand and explore it. Since the invention of the telescope by Galileo in the 1600s, however, our understanding of the universe has really taken off.
Despite this rapidly growing knowledge, too many know too little about the universe or even have an interest in learning more about it. How many can identify the planets in the night sky? Know at least one constellation? Can name the brightest star after our own? IYA2009 is bound to change that. For the full article go to:
IYA2009 is a global effort, initiated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to spark interest in the universe. Kicked off on January 15 in Paris, France, thousands of events are being held around the world to encourage people, particularly the youth, to explore the final frontier.
Mankind has gazed and been amazed by the heavens since prehistoric times, but only within the last 1,000 or so years have we sought to understand and explore it. Since the invention of the telescope by Galileo in the 1600s, however, our understanding of the universe has really taken off.
Despite this rapidly growing knowledge, too many know too little about the universe or even have an interest in learning more about it. How many can identify the planets in the night sky? Know at least one constellation? Can name the brightest star after our own? IYA2009 is bound to change that. For the full article go to:
Sunday, November 22, 2009
10 Tips for Surviving Thanksgiving with the Dysfunctional Family
1. Line up some co-conspirators.
2. Give challenging relatives an assignment
3. Invite “buffers.”
4. Nowhere is it written that there shall be alcohol whenever a family gets together.
5. Take charge of seating.
6. Guide the conversation.
7. Give kids a way to be included. Then set them free.
8. Set up a childcare schedule ahead of time
9. Provide escape routes.
10. After everyone leaves, reward yourself.
The Conversation Game
This is a game the whole family can play. Make up a stack of cards with discussion starters on them. Brainstorm “starters” that will make people reminisce or laugh. Make sure to include cards that appeal to all ages.
For the full article go to
2. Give challenging relatives an assignment
3. Invite “buffers.”
4. Nowhere is it written that there shall be alcohol whenever a family gets together.
5. Take charge of seating.
6. Guide the conversation.
7. Give kids a way to be included. Then set them free.
8. Set up a childcare schedule ahead of time
9. Provide escape routes.
10. After everyone leaves, reward yourself.
The Conversation Game
This is a game the whole family can play. Make up a stack of cards with discussion starters on them. Brainstorm “starters” that will make people reminisce or laugh. Make sure to include cards that appeal to all ages.
For the full article go to
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Where is YOUR attention
Steve Pohlit November 18 at 10:04am Reply
Today's Manifest Power Tool is titled Attention. Here is the link:
This topic brought to my attention what seems to be the number one item currently in nearly every news and business publication. That topic is the economy, jobs and stories related to what government is thinking about doing or not doing. The topic is relevant to our interest in Money and The Law of Attraction because we attract what we are focused on.
I encourage you to pay very close attention to the energy devoted to reports on line, from the news, on TV and in conversations with others. It is easy to get caught up in the story. When we into the story, our energy is actually in vibrational alignment with the story. If that story is one that we are not in agreement with or results in us feeling negative then that is opposite of what we are intending to attract. We are then strengthening our blocks to attracting our dreams.
It is easy for all of us to find ourselves all of a sudden involved in the story. When we look at it, often times it is not a story where there is any value for us. If you set up your routine with reminders to stay focused on what you are attracting you will find the incidences of situations you don't prefer become less and less for you.
Sending you an Unconditional Love Hug
Steve Pohlit
Today's Manifest Power Tool is titled Attention. Here is the link:
This topic brought to my attention what seems to be the number one item currently in nearly every news and business publication. That topic is the economy, jobs and stories related to what government is thinking about doing or not doing. The topic is relevant to our interest in Money and The Law of Attraction because we attract what we are focused on.
I encourage you to pay very close attention to the energy devoted to reports on line, from the news, on TV and in conversations with others. It is easy to get caught up in the story. When we into the story, our energy is actually in vibrational alignment with the story. If that story is one that we are not in agreement with or results in us feeling negative then that is opposite of what we are intending to attract. We are then strengthening our blocks to attracting our dreams.
It is easy for all of us to find ourselves all of a sudden involved in the story. When we look at it, often times it is not a story where there is any value for us. If you set up your routine with reminders to stay focused on what you are attracting you will find the incidences of situations you don't prefer become less and less for you.
Sending you an Unconditional Love Hug
Steve Pohlit
Friday, November 20, 2009
Unparalleled Benefits with Trump Network
Trump Network not only has long-term residual income, they also have weekly bonuses paid 7-levels ($100 to you and $ 20 to six levels of their upline! Nobody can match Trump’s recognition and the major media campaign he starts November. Other celebrities endorse, Trump owns so the four phases of growth will happen so fast, the window where millionaires are made will go big virtually overnight! Here’s more If you have a better opportunity, please tell me and why!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hope this will help!
The Smithsonian Institution's National Zoo issued the following press release:
Today, Smithsonian's National Zoo Director John Berry and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) opened the new Cheetah Science Facility at the Zoo's Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal, Va. It is the first new research facility to be constructed on the property in 22 years and is made possible by a $1 million gift from Bill McClure, a longtime friend of the National Zoo. This 9-acre Cheetah Science Facility will be the center of the Zoo's international cheetah research program in which scientists study cheetah biology to ensure good health, reproduction and self-sustaining populations in zoos and in the wild.
Pup has a new friend!
Thought this was an interesting article about the Cinncinati Zoo raising a cheetah and a puppy together. Here's the site if you want to read it.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Finally, A Congressman With a Solution: Stop Complaining So Much
Sure, the economy sucks. Unemployment is at least 10.2% and, yes, if you include part-time workers who would rather have full-time jobs it may be over 17%. The government is showering our cash on Wall Street and burning through piles of our children and grandchildren’s money “saving” phantom jobs in Congressional Districts that don’t exist.
Oh yeah, and Congress is planning for a government take-over of our health care system, legislating higher energy prices and raising taxes. Sheesh, no wonder we’re feeling blue.
Well, not to worry, three-term Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) has found a solution: Stop Complaining So Much. Rep. Cleaver is currently circulating a “Dear Colleague” letter, seeking co-sponsors for House Concurrent Resolution 155, designating the day before Thanksgiving as the official “Complaint Free Wednesday.”
You see, as the Congressman explains:
From time to time, we all experience anxiety, frustration, stress, and regret. And often, we respond to these feelings with a criticism or a complaint. Regrettably, complaining keeps people stuck on current problems, inhibiting them from thinking constructively to find solutions. Research has also shown that complaining can be harmful to one’s emotional and physical health; relationships; and can limit professional career success.
Oh yeah, and Congress is planning for a government take-over of our health care system, legislating higher energy prices and raising taxes. Sheesh, no wonder we’re feeling blue.
Well, not to worry, three-term Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) has found a solution: Stop Complaining So Much. Rep. Cleaver is currently circulating a “Dear Colleague” letter, seeking co-sponsors for House Concurrent Resolution 155, designating the day before Thanksgiving as the official “Complaint Free Wednesday.”
You see, as the Congressman explains:
From time to time, we all experience anxiety, frustration, stress, and regret. And often, we respond to these feelings with a criticism or a complaint. Regrettably, complaining keeps people stuck on current problems, inhibiting them from thinking constructively to find solutions. Research has also shown that complaining can be harmful to one’s emotional and physical health; relationships; and can limit professional career success.
Market Predictions
ProForecasts for the week beginning, Sunday, November 15th, 2009
Collective-intelligence from the top sources
of financial market direction and stock recommendations to consider!
from Jeff Sonnenburg, Tucson, Arizona
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for information purposes only. In no way should the listing of any security here be construed as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The buying and selling of securities involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Always consult your financial advisor.
>> Market Direction <<<
OVERALL MARKET DIRECTION from ProForecasts: (see disclaimer)
Sunday, November 8th, 2009: “I forecast that the market may stay here this week but the next and permanent rise up will be within the next two or three weeks. I really forecast that 11,000 is in view.”
July 2009: Stock market solidifies this range as a base for a decent rally through the summer (and then after a brief correction to solidify a new base, a rally into the Fall and a better-than-expected holidays to about 10,000+ for the Dow.) Interest rates are at their low and will start to increase by 2010. Housing market has also bottomed through this year.
“DECEMBER/JANUARY EFFECT” (December 31st to January 31st): "December/January Effect" to refer generally to interesting results re: small-cap stock performance near year-end. Investors have used the term "January effect" to refer to the phenomenon in which small-cap securities often have had higher rates of return than large-cap stocks in the January months.
NIFTY FIFTY: One logical explanation is that U.S. dollar weakness is benefiting large cap companies (which often have international operations that benefit from a weak dollar) more than small cap companies. If that is the case and U.S. dollar weakness continues, we could see a repeat of "Nifty Fifty", in which market strength is largely driven by the largest cap stocks.
As I’ve forecast for months, the recession is over (some economic indicators reported that too this week) and the markets will head up significantly and then the economy will follow in about three months with a marginal increase little by little into 2011.
As I’ve forecast for months, the Housing market has bottomed and house prices will slowly go up from here. Also interest rates will go up quickly from here (was just reported to be the Feds new policy).
Unemployment will not really improve much until the middle of June 2010.
The US is no longer the super-power in any way. It will be clear very soon that China and Russia are taking that role. The dollar will be replaced as the world currency. Previous allies will align with other countries and the US will have more adversaries or at least non-allies slowly in 2010 and clearly by 2011.
“But back home, Obama's bow in Japan seems to have grabbed much of the attention being paid to the trip. The gesture appears to have touched a particularly raw nerve among Obama critics who said the president has hastened America's decline as a world superpower by being too apologetic and too deferential in his dealings with other world leaders.”
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors and ProForecasts:
(this laggard to Gold has more relative profit potential at this point)
(while it is up quite a bit from when I forecast it months ago, it still has a ways to go up)
(the tech sector will be one of the first to benefit from the continued bullish market)
Top investment recommendations from an aggregate of the top 100 investment blogs:
Canadian Dollar
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors:
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from one top advisor:
Buffett: “building deficits now can be paid down later”
Another advisor: “10% correction”
CORN: “Buying corn in late October/early November and holding until mid-May is one of the best seasonal trades out there. This trade has worked 34 out of the last 40 years, for a success rate of 85%. This trade has had a 10-year win streak that began in 1998. Past performance is not indicative of future results. With more competition for corn inventories from animal feed, energy needs and foreign business, coupled with the growing cycle and harvest delays, we think being long corn makes sense. Corn prices have started to move higher with March 10’ corn advancing 25% off a 3 ½ year low made just over 2 months ago. We suggest gaining long exposure in March or May contracts via call options or long futures with option protection. We see the $3.75/3.80 level acting as support and expect prices to trade near $4.80 in Q1 next year.”
Collective-intelligence from the top sources
of financial market direction and stock recommendations to consider!
from Jeff Sonnenburg, Tucson, Arizona
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for information purposes only. In no way should the listing of any security here be construed as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The buying and selling of securities involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Always consult your financial advisor.
>> Market Direction <<<
OVERALL MARKET DIRECTION from ProForecasts: (see disclaimer)
Sunday, November 8th, 2009: “I forecast that the market may stay here this week but the next and permanent rise up will be within the next two or three weeks. I really forecast that 11,000 is in view.”
July 2009: Stock market solidifies this range as a base for a decent rally through the summer (and then after a brief correction to solidify a new base, a rally into the Fall and a better-than-expected holidays to about 10,000+ for the Dow.) Interest rates are at their low and will start to increase by 2010. Housing market has also bottomed through this year.
“DECEMBER/JANUARY EFFECT” (December 31st to January 31st): "December/January Effect" to refer generally to interesting results re: small-cap stock performance near year-end. Investors have used the term "January effect" to refer to the phenomenon in which small-cap securities often have had higher rates of return than large-cap stocks in the January months.
NIFTY FIFTY: One logical explanation is that U.S. dollar weakness is benefiting large cap companies (which often have international operations that benefit from a weak dollar) more than small cap companies. If that is the case and U.S. dollar weakness continues, we could see a repeat of "Nifty Fifty", in which market strength is largely driven by the largest cap stocks.
As I’ve forecast for months, the recession is over (some economic indicators reported that too this week) and the markets will head up significantly and then the economy will follow in about three months with a marginal increase little by little into 2011.
As I’ve forecast for months, the Housing market has bottomed and house prices will slowly go up from here. Also interest rates will go up quickly from here (was just reported to be the Feds new policy).
Unemployment will not really improve much until the middle of June 2010.
The US is no longer the super-power in any way. It will be clear very soon that China and Russia are taking that role. The dollar will be replaced as the world currency. Previous allies will align with other countries and the US will have more adversaries or at least non-allies slowly in 2010 and clearly by 2011.
“But back home, Obama's bow in Japan seems to have grabbed much of the attention being paid to the trip. The gesture appears to have touched a particularly raw nerve among Obama critics who said the president has hastened America's decline as a world superpower by being too apologetic and too deferential in his dealings with other world leaders.”
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors and ProForecasts:
(this laggard to Gold has more relative profit potential at this point)
(while it is up quite a bit from when I forecast it months ago, it still has a ways to go up)
(the tech sector will be one of the first to benefit from the continued bullish market)
Top investment recommendations from an aggregate of the top 100 investment blogs:
Canadian Dollar
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors:
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from one top advisor:
Buffett: “building deficits now can be paid down later”
Another advisor: “10% correction”
CORN: “Buying corn in late October/early November and holding until mid-May is one of the best seasonal trades out there. This trade has worked 34 out of the last 40 years, for a success rate of 85%. This trade has had a 10-year win streak that began in 1998. Past performance is not indicative of future results. With more competition for corn inventories from animal feed, energy needs and foreign business, coupled with the growing cycle and harvest delays, we think being long corn makes sense. Corn prices have started to move higher with March 10’ corn advancing 25% off a 3 ½ year low made just over 2 months ago. We suggest gaining long exposure in March or May contracts via call options or long futures with option protection. We see the $3.75/3.80 level acting as support and expect prices to trade near $4.80 in Q1 next year.”
Monday, November 16, 2009
Top Three Errors Online So People Will Automatically Avoid You
1. Don’t put your company or product in your screen-name unless you want people to automatically avoid you because they know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate. Also do not have a screen-name that only you understand, like with your children’s initials. Even worse do not have a screen-name with a bunch of unrelated numbers, such as “Julie 1234″!
2. Don’t put your company or product in your profile for the same reason. People can easily check your profile before talking or responding to you and once again automatically know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate. Put only the link to your personal blog (not your website from your company) in your profile. Also do not have your profile be nothing but quick facts about you. Your profile is not a resume or a yearbook listing of all the clubs you belong to!
3. Don’t have the email address you use have your company or product in it or something cute like “” because once again, everyone will know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate!
If you have any questions, email me at
2. Don’t put your company or product in your profile for the same reason. People can easily check your profile before talking or responding to you and once again automatically know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate. Put only the link to your personal blog (not your website from your company) in your profile. Also do not have your profile be nothing but quick facts about you. Your profile is not a resume or a yearbook listing of all the clubs you belong to!
3. Don’t have the email address you use have your company or product in it or something cute like “” because once again, everyone will know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate!
If you have any questions, email me at
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Market Predictions
ProForecasts for the week beginning, Sunday, November 15th, 2009
Collective-intelligence from the top sources
of financial market direction and stock recommendations to consider!
from Jeff Sonnenburg, Tucson, Arizona
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for information purposes only. In no way should the listing of any security here be construed as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The buying and selling of securities involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Always consult your financial advisor.
>> Market Direction <<<
OVERALL MARKET DIRECTION from ProForecasts: (see disclaimer)
Sunday, November 8th, 2009: “I forecast that the market may stay here this week but the next and permanent rise up will be within the next two or three weeks. I really forecast that 11,000 is in view.”
July 2009: Stock market solidifies this range as a base for a decent rally through the summer (and then after a brief correction to solidify a new base, a rally into the Fall and a better-than-expected holidays to about 10,000+ for the Dow.) Interest rates are at their low and will start to increase by 2010. Housing market has also bottomed through this year.
November 2009: As I forecast, the market is UP 6.3%!
“DECEMBER/JANUARY EFFECT” (December 31st to January 31st): "December/January Effect" to refer generally to interesting results re: small-cap stock performance near year-end. Investors have used the term "January effect" to refer to the phenomenon in which small-cap securities often have had higher rates of return than large-cap stocks in the January months.
NIFTY FIFTY: One logical explanation is that U.S. dollar weakness is benefiting large cap companies (which often have international operations that benefit from a weak dollar) more than small cap companies. If that is the case and U.S. dollar weakness continues, we could see a repeat of "Nifty Fifty", in which market strength is largely driven by the largest cap stocks.
As I’ve forecast for months, the recession is over (some economic indicators reported that too this week) and the markets will head up significantly and then the economy will follow in about three months with a marginal increase little by little into 2011.
IT IS TIME TO CONSIDER BUYING REAL ESTATE: As I’ve forecast for months, the Housing market has bottomed and house prices will slowly go up from here. Also interest rates will go up quickly from here (was just reported to be the Feds new policy). This will be the best time to have bought residential real estate and then about the third-quarter of 2010 should be the best-time to buy commercial real-estate. I don’t see any crisis in commercial real estate as so many are predicting.
The US is no longer the super-power in any way. It will be clear very soon that China and Russia are taking that role. The dollar will be replaced as the world currency. Previous allies will align with other countries and the US will have more adversaries or at least non-allies slowly in 2010 and clearly by 2011.
“But back home, Obama's bow in Japan seems to have grabbed much of the attention being paid to the trip. The gesture appears to have touched a particularly raw nerve among Obama critics who said the president has hastened America's decline as a world superpower by being too apologetic and too deferential in his dealings with other world leaders.”
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors and ProForecasts:
(this laggard to Gold has more relative profit potential at this point)
(there is probably more profit potential here than in Gold for awhile)
(while it is up quite a bit already from when I forecast several months ago, it still has a ways to go up
to 1450 in the first half of June 2010 or earlier and in time up to 2000, say in 2011 or 2012)
(the tech sector will be one of the first to benefit from the continued bullish market)
WMT (“Market Whales” Buffett bought a significant stake and Soros also bought a smaller stake!)
All commodities
***DJIA will be up to 10,618 to 10,754 or higher between December 2009 to January 2010. The SP500 will be between 1200 to 1250 or higher during that same time.
Top investment recommendations from an aggregate of the top 100 investment blogs:
1. Stock Market
2. Oil
3. MU
4. FCX
5. Gold
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors:
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from one top advisor:
HEALTH PLAN: It will be passed, I’m going to hesitantly forecast, before Christmas. I don’t see it going into the new year, 2010. It will have a delayed “open option” where if the system is not covering everyone well enough, the “open option” kicks in (which will be highly debated then).
ABORTION IN THE HEALTH PLAN: Will be included in the Health Care bill but abortion will handled by some separate section of the Health Care Plan by in the written plan and in the administration to oversee it.
TAXES: Taxes will go up during the Obama Administration first be Congress to not renew Bush tax cuts and second to pay for more benefits for certain groups of people.
DOLLAR will go below critical levels at 75 to probably at least 74.50 for a short time then propped back up a little.
UNEMPLOYMENT will not really improve much until June 2010.
MICROSOFT AND MURDOCH will do their web-pact and a major war will fought between them and Google with at this time no apparent winner but probably a significant gain for Bing and a slight loss to Google.
INTEREST PAYMENTS ON DEBT: “In concrete terms, an additional $500 billion a year in interest expense would total more than the combined federal budgets this year for education, energy, homeland security and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” CBS News and CBO
BUFFETT: “building deficits now can be paid down later”
10% CORRECTION: Another advisor: “10% correction”
OMG (Oh My Gosh): Each job at GM saved cost $1.5 million. Can you imagine how many jobs in growing sectors that could have made?
OMG (Oh My Gosh): On average government’s estimates for projects (including Medicaid, etc.) end up costing 700% than projected so the Health Care Reform will cost!
CORN: “Buying corn in late October/early November and holding until mid-May is one of the best seasonal trades out there. This trade has worked 34 out of the last 40 years, for a success rate of 85%. This trade has had a 10-year win streak that began in 1998. Past performance is not indicative of future results. With more competition for corn inventories from animal feed, energy needs and foreign business, coupled with the growing cycle and harvest delays, we think being long corn makes sense. Corn prices have started to move higher with March 10’ corn advancing 25% off a 3 ½ year low made just over 2 months ago. We suggest gaining long exposure in March or May contracts via call options or long futures with option protection. We see the $3.75/3.80 level acting as support and expect prices to trade near $4.80 in Q1 next year.”
Collective-intelligence from the top sources
of financial market direction and stock recommendations to consider!
from Jeff Sonnenburg, Tucson, Arizona
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for information purposes only. In no way should the listing of any security here be construed as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The buying and selling of securities involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Always consult your financial advisor.
>> Market Direction <<<
OVERALL MARKET DIRECTION from ProForecasts: (see disclaimer)
Sunday, November 8th, 2009: “I forecast that the market may stay here this week but the next and permanent rise up will be within the next two or three weeks. I really forecast that 11,000 is in view.”
July 2009: Stock market solidifies this range as a base for a decent rally through the summer (and then after a brief correction to solidify a new base, a rally into the Fall and a better-than-expected holidays to about 10,000+ for the Dow.) Interest rates are at their low and will start to increase by 2010. Housing market has also bottomed through this year.
November 2009: As I forecast, the market is UP 6.3%!
“DECEMBER/JANUARY EFFECT” (December 31st to January 31st): "December/January Effect" to refer generally to interesting results re: small-cap stock performance near year-end. Investors have used the term "January effect" to refer to the phenomenon in which small-cap securities often have had higher rates of return than large-cap stocks in the January months.
NIFTY FIFTY: One logical explanation is that U.S. dollar weakness is benefiting large cap companies (which often have international operations that benefit from a weak dollar) more than small cap companies. If that is the case and U.S. dollar weakness continues, we could see a repeat of "Nifty Fifty", in which market strength is largely driven by the largest cap stocks.
As I’ve forecast for months, the recession is over (some economic indicators reported that too this week) and the markets will head up significantly and then the economy will follow in about three months with a marginal increase little by little into 2011.
IT IS TIME TO CONSIDER BUYING REAL ESTATE: As I’ve forecast for months, the Housing market has bottomed and house prices will slowly go up from here. Also interest rates will go up quickly from here (was just reported to be the Feds new policy). This will be the best time to have bought residential real estate and then about the third-quarter of 2010 should be the best-time to buy commercial real-estate. I don’t see any crisis in commercial real estate as so many are predicting.
The US is no longer the super-power in any way. It will be clear very soon that China and Russia are taking that role. The dollar will be replaced as the world currency. Previous allies will align with other countries and the US will have more adversaries or at least non-allies slowly in 2010 and clearly by 2011.
“But back home, Obama's bow in Japan seems to have grabbed much of the attention being paid to the trip. The gesture appears to have touched a particularly raw nerve among Obama critics who said the president has hastened America's decline as a world superpower by being too apologetic and too deferential in his dealings with other world leaders.”
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors and ProForecasts:
(this laggard to Gold has more relative profit potential at this point)
(there is probably more profit potential here than in Gold for awhile)
(while it is up quite a bit already from when I forecast several months ago, it still has a ways to go up
to 1450 in the first half of June 2010 or earlier and in time up to 2000, say in 2011 or 2012)
(the tech sector will be one of the first to benefit from the continued bullish market)
WMT (“Market Whales” Buffett bought a significant stake and Soros also bought a smaller stake!)
All commodities
***DJIA will be up to 10,618 to 10,754 or higher between December 2009 to January 2010. The SP500 will be between 1200 to 1250 or higher during that same time.
Top investment recommendations from an aggregate of the top 100 investment blogs:
1. Stock Market
2. Oil
3. MU
4. FCX
5. Gold
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors:
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from one top advisor:
HEALTH PLAN: It will be passed, I’m going to hesitantly forecast, before Christmas. I don’t see it going into the new year, 2010. It will have a delayed “open option” where if the system is not covering everyone well enough, the “open option” kicks in (which will be highly debated then).
ABORTION IN THE HEALTH PLAN: Will be included in the Health Care bill but abortion will handled by some separate section of the Health Care Plan by in the written plan and in the administration to oversee it.
TAXES: Taxes will go up during the Obama Administration first be Congress to not renew Bush tax cuts and second to pay for more benefits for certain groups of people.
DOLLAR will go below critical levels at 75 to probably at least 74.50 for a short time then propped back up a little.
UNEMPLOYMENT will not really improve much until June 2010.
MICROSOFT AND MURDOCH will do their web-pact and a major war will fought between them and Google with at this time no apparent winner but probably a significant gain for Bing and a slight loss to Google.
INTEREST PAYMENTS ON DEBT: “In concrete terms, an additional $500 billion a year in interest expense would total more than the combined federal budgets this year for education, energy, homeland security and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” CBS News and CBO
BUFFETT: “building deficits now can be paid down later”
10% CORRECTION: Another advisor: “10% correction”
OMG (Oh My Gosh): Each job at GM saved cost $1.5 million. Can you imagine how many jobs in growing sectors that could have made?
OMG (Oh My Gosh): On average government’s estimates for projects (including Medicaid, etc.) end up costing 700% than projected so the Health Care Reform will cost!
CORN: “Buying corn in late October/early November and holding until mid-May is one of the best seasonal trades out there. This trade has worked 34 out of the last 40 years, for a success rate of 85%. This trade has had a 10-year win streak that began in 1998. Past performance is not indicative of future results. With more competition for corn inventories from animal feed, energy needs and foreign business, coupled with the growing cycle and harvest delays, we think being long corn makes sense. Corn prices have started to move higher with March 10’ corn advancing 25% off a 3 ½ year low made just over 2 months ago. We suggest gaining long exposure in March or May contracts via call options or long futures with option protection. We see the $3.75/3.80 level acting as support and expect prices to trade near $4.80 in Q1 next year.”
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 12:38 AM, Manifest Mastermind wrote:
Manifest Mastermind Guidance: "How To Accelerate Manifesting Your Dreams With The Multiplier Effect"
The Law of Attraction is possibly the most powerful law of all
Universal Laws. You now know we are always attracting our most
dominant thought including those of what we do not want.
Manifest Mastermind intends to guide you to manifesting your dreams
and desires. The 7 Steps you received and many resources offered
our members are focused on how to attract to you what you want.
This focus will continue and become increasingly valuable over
Manifesting is accelerated when we give. Give to others that which
you want to attract. If you want financial abundance then help
others become financially successful. If you want love, be that
which you want. When we help another to get what they want we help
ourselves actually since we are all one Source.
We enjoy the guidance in Conversations With God by Neale Donald
Walsch on this point. You will find an growing refernce library in
the members area of Manifest Mastermind. For now understand that
when you help others get what they want that energy is multiplied
by the number you help and comes back to you.
While preparing to launch Manifest Mastermind we used hundreds of
inspirational messages and stared sending them to our followers on
Twitter. We quickly began to feel
the energy flowing to us. People were writing to let us know how
much they appreciated them and how they felt better just receiving
those messages.
These seems to be a paradox with our guidance on focusing our the
self then guiding you to help others have what you want. There is
no paradox at all. Be alert for our messages and this will be
clarified soon.
Start Your Manifest Mastermind Treasure Chest journey today:
You now know you have potential greater than anything you imagined.
Start today when you continue practicing your focused positive
thoughts and the core guidance of Steps 1-4, remembering you are
unique and there is nothing your are intended to do that you cannot
Sending you energy of peace, happiness, prosperity, unconditional love
Steve Pohlit, Founder
Manifest Mastermind
Join us on Facebook Click Here
Manifest Mastermind Guidance: "How To Accelerate Manifesting Your Dreams With The Multiplier Effect"
The Law of Attraction is possibly the most powerful law of all
Universal Laws. You now know we are always attracting our most
dominant thought including those of what we do not want.
Manifest Mastermind intends to guide you to manifesting your dreams
and desires. The 7 Steps you received and many resources offered
our members are focused on how to attract to you what you want.
This focus will continue and become increasingly valuable over
Manifesting is accelerated when we give. Give to others that which
you want to attract. If you want financial abundance then help
others become financially successful. If you want love, be that
which you want. When we help another to get what they want we help
ourselves actually since we are all one Source.
We enjoy the guidance in Conversations With God by Neale Donald
Walsch on this point. You will find an growing refernce library in
the members area of Manifest Mastermind. For now understand that
when you help others get what they want that energy is multiplied
by the number you help and comes back to you.
While preparing to launch Manifest Mastermind we used hundreds of
inspirational messages and stared sending them to our followers on
Twitter. We quickly began to feel
the energy flowing to us. People were writing to let us know how
much they appreciated them and how they felt better just receiving
those messages.
These seems to be a paradox with our guidance on focusing our the
self then guiding you to help others have what you want. There is
no paradox at all. Be alert for our messages and this will be
clarified soon.
Start Your Manifest Mastermind Treasure Chest journey today:
You now know you have potential greater than anything you imagined.
Start today when you continue practicing your focused positive
thoughts and the core guidance of Steps 1-4, remembering you are
unique and there is nothing your are intended to do that you cannot
Sending you energy of peace, happiness, prosperity, unconditional love
Steve Pohlit, Founder
Manifest Mastermind
Join us on Facebook Click Here
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Attraction Marketing – A Term Every Successful Marketer Understands
November 9th, 2009, Author: admin, Categories: Attraction Marketing
Brian Horwitz asked:
So you keep reading about Attraction Marketing but you can’t find an exact definition. Good thing you found this article then, right? That’s actually a little bit of attraction marketing right there. Something about the way I wrote this article made it appeal to you. In other words, you were attracted to it.
It’s not a magic trick. You were simply drawn to this article because of the way I chose to market a topic that a thousand or more other people have written about.
Attraction Marketing refers to a particular way of attracting other peple to you, your product or your service. Basically, you are injecting yourself into whatever you’re doing so that other people relate to you as a real person and not another faceless name online.
Look back at every single successful marketing campaign in recent memory and you’ll see that individuals and companies are all using some form of attraction marketing. The old days when listing advantages and hard selling used to work are over.
The most important fundamental concept of Attraction Marketing is that you are really selling yourself! Not the product. Not the service. And certainly not the company you represent. It’s all about you as a person who naturally attracts people by the unique way you talk, think, and look.
When you offer yourself and your knowledge through a successful marketing campaign and in an effort to genuinely help others, your world will turn into a steady flow of prospects, leads and sales. You can’t fake it. What you’re sending out online is a little piece of you that says “Here I am. Let’s talk”
Think about it this way: Say you’re buying something at the mall and a sales person is really pushing hard to make a sale. That kind of behavior actually repels customers. The same is true for sales people who just standing around looking bored and sales people who don’t pay attention to their personal appearance. Now imagine the last time you actually bought something because of the sales person. Did they start out with a conversation or ask if they could help you? Did they know a lot about the products they were selling? Did they sound polite even when you said you were only looking? See the difference? Even if we weren’t persuaded to buy anything at that moment, you were left with a good shopping experience. You’re also likely to come back at some point and buy something from that salesperson because he/she made the experience pleasant. In short, we are attracted to people who fulfill our basic need to be acknowledged, respected and treated well. Now apply that to online marketing. That is what Attraction Marketing is all about.
Here are some ways to apply Attraction Marketing in your own home-based online business:
Visibility – Every successful marketing campaign ever conducted made it a point to be visible to its market. That’s where the Internet and search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. After all, you need to be seen before you can help someone.
Value -Provide genuine value by giving people what they need (acknowledgment, respect and good treatment).
Leadership – Lead them through the process that will help solve their problem. Don’t push a solution on them; guide them to it. This has the double advantage of building trust and promoting satisfaction in the transaction.
Brian Horwitz asked:
So you keep reading about Attraction Marketing but you can’t find an exact definition. Good thing you found this article then, right? That’s actually a little bit of attraction marketing right there. Something about the way I wrote this article made it appeal to you. In other words, you were attracted to it.
It’s not a magic trick. You were simply drawn to this article because of the way I chose to market a topic that a thousand or more other people have written about.
Attraction Marketing refers to a particular way of attracting other peple to you, your product or your service. Basically, you are injecting yourself into whatever you’re doing so that other people relate to you as a real person and not another faceless name online.
Look back at every single successful marketing campaign in recent memory and you’ll see that individuals and companies are all using some form of attraction marketing. The old days when listing advantages and hard selling used to work are over.
The most important fundamental concept of Attraction Marketing is that you are really selling yourself! Not the product. Not the service. And certainly not the company you represent. It’s all about you as a person who naturally attracts people by the unique way you talk, think, and look.
When you offer yourself and your knowledge through a successful marketing campaign and in an effort to genuinely help others, your world will turn into a steady flow of prospects, leads and sales. You can’t fake it. What you’re sending out online is a little piece of you that says “Here I am. Let’s talk”
Think about it this way: Say you’re buying something at the mall and a sales person is really pushing hard to make a sale. That kind of behavior actually repels customers. The same is true for sales people who just standing around looking bored and sales people who don’t pay attention to their personal appearance. Now imagine the last time you actually bought something because of the sales person. Did they start out with a conversation or ask if they could help you? Did they know a lot about the products they were selling? Did they sound polite even when you said you were only looking? See the difference? Even if we weren’t persuaded to buy anything at that moment, you were left with a good shopping experience. You’re also likely to come back at some point and buy something from that salesperson because he/she made the experience pleasant. In short, we are attracted to people who fulfill our basic need to be acknowledged, respected and treated well. Now apply that to online marketing. That is what Attraction Marketing is all about.
Here are some ways to apply Attraction Marketing in your own home-based online business:
Visibility – Every successful marketing campaign ever conducted made it a point to be visible to its market. That’s where the Internet and search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. After all, you need to be seen before you can help someone.
Value -Provide genuine value by giving people what they need (acknowledgment, respect and good treatment).
Leadership – Lead them through the process that will help solve their problem. Don’t push a solution on them; guide them to it. This has the double advantage of building trust and promoting satisfaction in the transaction.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Fastest Man Meets Fastest Land Animal
Olympic and world sprint champion Usain Bolt of Jamaica poses with a cheetah at the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) headquarters in Kenya's capital Nairobi November 2, 2009. Bolt adopted a three-month old male cheetah cub named "Lightning Bolt" during the launch of the Animal Adoption Programme "Namayiana" at the Nairobi Animal Orphanage. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya
Monday, November 9, 2009
Market Predictions
ProForecasts for the week beginning, Sunday, November 8th, 2009
Collective-intelligence from the top sources
of financial market direction and stock recommendations to consider!
from Jeff Sonnenburg, Tucson, Arizona
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for information purposes only. In no way should the listing of any security here be construed as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The buying and selling of securities involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Always consult your financial advisor.
I just want to give you all a chuckle at the beginning of ProForecasts by sharing that there is significant forecasts and recommendations for one stock to go DIFFERENT directions. SBUX (Starbucks) has major advisors on both sides. If a stock’s worthiness is really based on just pure logic, wouldn’t they agree on something, rofl.
>> Market Direction <<<
OVERALL MARKET DIRECTION from ProForecasts: (see disclaimer)
I know there would be a consolidation this week. I wouldn’t call it a correction since the DOW only 2.2% from 10,000. No matter what you call it, with a great move up past a significant number (10,000), it is healthy and expected to pull-back a bit. I forecast that the market may stay here this week but the next and permanent rise up will be within the next two or three weeks. I really forecast that 11,000 is in view.
As I’ve forecast for weeks already, the recession is over (some economic indicators reported that too this week) and the markets will head up significantly and then the economy will follow in about three months with a marginal increase little by little into 2011.
As I’ve forecast for about six weeks, the Housing market has bottomed and house prices will slowly go up from here. Also interest rates will go up quickly from here (was just reported to be the Feds new policy).
Unemployment will not really improve much until the middle of June 2010.
The US is no longer the super-power in any way. It will be clear very soon that China and Russia are taking that role. The dollar will be replaced as the world currency. Previous allies will align with other countries and the US will have more adversaries or at least non-allies slowly in 2010 and clearly by 2011.
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors and ProForecasts:
(while it is up quite a bit from when I forecast it months ago, it still has a ways to go up)
(the tech sector will be one of the first to benefit from the continued bullish market)
Top investment recommendations from an aggregate of the top 100 investment blogs:
Canadian Dollar
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors:
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from one top advisor:
Collective-intelligence from the top sources
of financial market direction and stock recommendations to consider!
from Jeff Sonnenburg, Tucson, Arizona
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for information purposes only. In no way should the listing of any security here be construed as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The buying and selling of securities involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Always consult your financial advisor.
I just want to give you all a chuckle at the beginning of ProForecasts by sharing that there is significant forecasts and recommendations for one stock to go DIFFERENT directions. SBUX (Starbucks) has major advisors on both sides. If a stock’s worthiness is really based on just pure logic, wouldn’t they agree on something, rofl.
>> Market Direction <<<
OVERALL MARKET DIRECTION from ProForecasts: (see disclaimer)
I know there would be a consolidation this week. I wouldn’t call it a correction since the DOW only 2.2% from 10,000. No matter what you call it, with a great move up past a significant number (10,000), it is healthy and expected to pull-back a bit. I forecast that the market may stay here this week but the next and permanent rise up will be within the next two or three weeks. I really forecast that 11,000 is in view.
As I’ve forecast for weeks already, the recession is over (some economic indicators reported that too this week) and the markets will head up significantly and then the economy will follow in about three months with a marginal increase little by little into 2011.
As I’ve forecast for about six weeks, the Housing market has bottomed and house prices will slowly go up from here. Also interest rates will go up quickly from here (was just reported to be the Feds new policy).
Unemployment will not really improve much until the middle of June 2010.
The US is no longer the super-power in any way. It will be clear very soon that China and Russia are taking that role. The dollar will be replaced as the world currency. Previous allies will align with other countries and the US will have more adversaries or at least non-allies slowly in 2010 and clearly by 2011.
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors and ProForecasts:
(while it is up quite a bit from when I forecast it months ago, it still has a ways to go up)
(the tech sector will be one of the first to benefit from the continued bullish market)
Top investment recommendations from an aggregate of the top 100 investment blogs:
Canadian Dollar
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors:
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from one top advisor:
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Good Idea?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Market Predictions
ProForecasts for the week beginning, Sunday, November 1st, 2009
Jeff Sonnenburg, Tucson, Arizona
Collective-intelligence from the top sources
of financial market direction and stock recommendations to consider!
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for information purposes only. In no way should the listing of any security here be construed as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The buying and selling of securities involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Always consult your financial advisor.
>> Market Direction <<<
OVERALL MARKET DIRECTION from ProForecasts: (see disclaimer)
I know there would be a consolidation this week. I wouldn’t call it a correction since the DOW only 2.2% from 10,000. No matter what you call it, with a great move up past a significant number (10,000), it is healthy and expected to pull-back a bit. I forecast that the market may stay here this week but the next and permanent rise up will be within the next two or three weeks. I really forecast that 11,000 is in view.
As I’ve forecast for weeks already, the recession is over (some economic indicators reported that too this week) and the markets will head up significantly and then the economy will follow in about three months with a marginal increase little by little into 2011.
As I’ve forecast for about six weeks, the Housing market has bottomed and house prices will slowly go up from here. Also interest rates will go up quickly from here (was just reported to be the Feds new policy).
Unemployment will not really improve much until the middle of June 2010.
The US is no longer the super-power in any way. It will be clear very soon that China and Russia are taking that role. The dollar will be replaced as the world currency. Previous allies will align with other countries and the US will have more adversaries or at least non-allies slowly in 2010 and clearly by 2011.
ACCURTAE PREDICTION LAST WEEK: DJIA 10,000 to 11,000 with some consolidation probably will happen still but the market is now on it’s way up that will even increase more when holiday sales come out good. Take some profits off the table like in Apple. Don’t trade with profits! Selling into strength would be a mistake so don’t play short.
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors and ProForecasts:
RIMM (recommended by three advisors that the stock the tech sector will be first to take off)
Jeff Sonnenburg, Tucson, Arizona
Collective-intelligence from the top sources
of financial market direction and stock recommendations to consider!
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for information purposes only. In no way should the listing of any security here be construed as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The buying and selling of securities involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Always consult your financial advisor.
>> Market Direction <<<
OVERALL MARKET DIRECTION from ProForecasts: (see disclaimer)
I know there would be a consolidation this week. I wouldn’t call it a correction since the DOW only 2.2% from 10,000. No matter what you call it, with a great move up past a significant number (10,000), it is healthy and expected to pull-back a bit. I forecast that the market may stay here this week but the next and permanent rise up will be within the next two or three weeks. I really forecast that 11,000 is in view.
As I’ve forecast for weeks already, the recession is over (some economic indicators reported that too this week) and the markets will head up significantly and then the economy will follow in about three months with a marginal increase little by little into 2011.
As I’ve forecast for about six weeks, the Housing market has bottomed and house prices will slowly go up from here. Also interest rates will go up quickly from here (was just reported to be the Feds new policy).
Unemployment will not really improve much until the middle of June 2010.
The US is no longer the super-power in any way. It will be clear very soon that China and Russia are taking that role. The dollar will be replaced as the world currency. Previous allies will align with other countries and the US will have more adversaries or at least non-allies slowly in 2010 and clearly by 2011.
ACCURTAE PREDICTION LAST WEEK: DJIA 10,000 to 11,000 with some consolidation probably will happen still but the market is now on it’s way up that will even increase more when holiday sales come out good. Take some profits off the table like in Apple. Don’t trade with profits! Selling into strength would be a mistake so don’t play short.
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors and ProForecasts:
RIMM (recommended by three advisors that the stock the tech sector will be first to take off)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Market Predictions
ProForecasts for the week beginning, Sunday, October 25th, 2009 (55.7% annualized so far 2009!)
Jeff Sonnenburg, Tucson, Arizona
Collective-intelligence from the top sources
of financial market direction and stock recommendations to consider!
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for information purposes only. In no way should the listing of any security here be construed as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The buying and selling of securities involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Always consult your financial advisor.
JOYG 56.55 (for consideration July 19th at 36.81 = 19.74pts UP 53.6% in thirteen weeks = 215% annualized)
AAPL 203.94 (for consideration January 4th, 2009 at 90.75 = 113.19pts UP125% forty-one weeks = 158.2% annualized)
MSFT 28.02 (for consideration July 26th at 22.98 = 5.04pts UP 21.9% in twelve weeks = 95.0% annualized)
NFLX 54.89 (for consideration February 1st, 2009 at 36.95 = 17.94pts UP48.6% thirty-one weeks = 81.4% annualized)
C 4.46 (for consideration August 8th at 3.85 = 0.61pts UP 15.8% in eleven weeks = 74.9% annualized)
ProForecasts’ results for 2009, model portfolio from KaChing, 147.9% YTD and how ProForecasts ranks with the top results at at bottom of this email.
>>> Market Direction <<<
OVERALL MARKET DIRECTION from ProForecasts: (see disclaimer)
DJIA 10,000 to 11,000 with some consolidation probably will happen still but the market is now on it’s way up that will even increase more when holiday sales come out good. Take some profits off the table like in Apple. Don’t trade with profits! Selling into strength would be a mistake so don’t play short.
Will there be inflation or deflation seems to be a debate. I forecast there will be deflation in wages and inflation in commodities. Unemployment will stay high through the first half of 2010.
As I’ve forecast for a month or more, housing has bottomed and there will not be a better time with low prices and low rates. Remember, as always, if all the signs are there, most of the opportunity is gone.
Dollar will continue to be low for awhile yet into 2010.
WARNING: Index funds have not made money in years!
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors and ProForecasts:
AAPL (again, some are suggesting that it will go to $500, hmm, it will continue up but $500 seems a bit much)
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top advisors:
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from one top advisor (It’s amazing how often they don’t agree and even suggest opposite directions for the same stock or investment):
Investors Intelligence
This week the ChartCraft measure of stock newsletter editors sentiment was little changed from last week: 49.5% bullish and 23.1% bearish. That’s another week where twice as many are optimistic that the stock market will continue to rise. A remarkable long string of weeks but so far they have been correct.
Hulbert Stock Newsletter Sentiment
The Hulbert Stock Newsletter Sentiment Index (HSNSI) which measures a subset of newsletters which try to time the market continues to be muted. For the most part the HSNSI is showing skepticism in the face of the continuing rally. The HSNSI is about as bullish as it was back in April 2009 when the S&P 500 was trading at 800 - some 280 points lower. That is to say the average market exposure recommended by market timing newsletter is only 32.3% (long) - slightly lower (by 2.3% points) than what they were recommending 6 months ago. Such an unflappably consistent skepticism in the face of a gravity defying rally hardly gives the bears much ammunition.
Jeff Sonnenburg, Tucson, Arizona
Collective-intelligence from the top sources
of financial market direction and stock recommendations to consider!
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for information purposes only. In no way should the listing of any security here be construed as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The buying and selling of securities involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Always consult your financial advisor.
JOYG 56.55 (for consideration July 19th at 36.81 = 19.74pts UP 53.6% in thirteen weeks = 215% annualized)
AAPL 203.94 (for consideration January 4th, 2009 at 90.75 = 113.19pts UP125% forty-one weeks = 158.2% annualized)
MSFT 28.02 (for consideration July 26th at 22.98 = 5.04pts UP 21.9% in twelve weeks = 95.0% annualized)
NFLX 54.89 (for consideration February 1st, 2009 at 36.95 = 17.94pts UP48.6% thirty-one weeks = 81.4% annualized)
C 4.46 (for consideration August 8th at 3.85 = 0.61pts UP 15.8% in eleven weeks = 74.9% annualized)
ProForecasts’ results for 2009, model portfolio from KaChing, 147.9% YTD and how ProForecasts ranks with the top results at at bottom of this email.
>>> Market Direction <<<
OVERALL MARKET DIRECTION from ProForecasts: (see disclaimer)
DJIA 10,000 to 11,000 with some consolidation probably will happen still but the market is now on it’s way up that will even increase more when holiday sales come out good. Take some profits off the table like in Apple. Don’t trade with profits! Selling into strength would be a mistake so don’t play short.
Will there be inflation or deflation seems to be a debate. I forecast there will be deflation in wages and inflation in commodities. Unemployment will stay high through the first half of 2010.
As I’ve forecast for a month or more, housing has bottomed and there will not be a better time with low prices and low rates. Remember, as always, if all the signs are there, most of the opportunity is gone.
Dollar will continue to be low for awhile yet into 2010.
WARNING: Index funds have not made money in years!
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top or more advisors and ProForecasts:
AAPL (again, some are suggesting that it will go to $500, hmm, it will continue up but $500 seems a bit much)
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from at least two top advisors:
STOCKS AND INVESTMENTS from one top advisor (It’s amazing how often they don’t agree and even suggest opposite directions for the same stock or investment):
Investors Intelligence
This week the ChartCraft measure of stock newsletter editors sentiment was little changed from last week: 49.5% bullish and 23.1% bearish. That’s another week where twice as many are optimistic that the stock market will continue to rise. A remarkable long string of weeks but so far they have been correct.
Hulbert Stock Newsletter Sentiment
The Hulbert Stock Newsletter Sentiment Index (HSNSI) which measures a subset of newsletters which try to time the market continues to be muted. For the most part the HSNSI is showing skepticism in the face of the continuing rally. The HSNSI is about as bullish as it was back in April 2009 when the S&P 500 was trading at 800 - some 280 points lower. That is to say the average market exposure recommended by market timing newsletter is only 32.3% (long) - slightly lower (by 2.3% points) than what they were recommending 6 months ago. Such an unflappably consistent skepticism in the face of a gravity defying rally hardly gives the bears much ammunition.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Here are some interesting facts about cheetahs:
The term “cheetah” has been derived from Sanskrit word that stands for “variegated body”.
Cheetahs rank as the fastest land animal in the world. They can run at a speed of 70 mph.
Cheetahs have large nostrils that facilitate high intake of oxygen during the fast running motion. Besides, they also have enlarged lungs and heart that help in circulating oxygen effectively.
While pursuing a chase, the respiratory rate of a cheetah goes as high as 150 breaths per minute.
While running, cheetahs make use of their tail as well, which helps them in making sharp turns. Usually, prey animals use sharp turns to escape the predator and a cheetah’s tail helps it in defeating the prey in this aspect.
Cheetahs are not successful in every hunt attempt. In fact, they have a success rate only around 50%.
In just a few strides, cheetahs can increase their speeds many times. Though they are adept in running, they lack climbing abilities.
Cheetahs are mainly guided by vision, rather than scent, during hunting.
They behave differently from other “true” big cats. Unlike the big cats, cheetahs cannot roar while inhaling. Instead, they can purr during inhalation, something that the big cats cannot do.
Cheetahs inhabit areas that have long stretch of land, which have ample presence of prey. They are more found in semi-desert, thick bush and prairie type of vegetation.
Female cheetahs catch live prey. to use them for teaching their cubs about hunting.
Cheetah cubs are very often attacked by predators. Their infant mortality is estimated to be around 75 %.
Cheetahs are more active during the day, than at night.
They are vulnerable to disease, owing to the shortage of genetic diversity in the population.
For a period of 18 months after birth, cheetahs normally do not wander out by themselves.
Cheetah cubs have an elongated gray-blue coat and black underbelly that, with the passage of time, becomes light colored and turns spotted.
Unlike other cats, cheetahs bear their spots from birth. They also have downy underlying fur on their necks, which is called mantle. Their mantle extends up to the mid-back and sheds with the growing age.
Cheetah cubs begin to grow independent of their mothers once they are between thirteen and twenty months.
King Cheetah is a rare species of cheetah that is characterized by a unique pelt pattern.
Cheetahs use their bold black lines around their muzzle to make several facial expressions. These expressions convey their mood aptly.
They quench their maximum thirst from the bodies of their prey. So, they have very less need of water.
Cheetahs rank as the fastest land animal in the world. They can run at a speed of 70 mph.
Cheetahs have large nostrils that facilitate high intake of oxygen during the fast running motion. Besides, they also have enlarged lungs and heart that help in circulating oxygen effectively.
While pursuing a chase, the respiratory rate of a cheetah goes as high as 150 breaths per minute.
While running, cheetahs make use of their tail as well, which helps them in making sharp turns. Usually, prey animals use sharp turns to escape the predator and a cheetah’s tail helps it in defeating the prey in this aspect.
Cheetahs are not successful in every hunt attempt. In fact, they have a success rate only around 50%.
In just a few strides, cheetahs can increase their speeds many times. Though they are adept in running, they lack climbing abilities.
Cheetahs are mainly guided by vision, rather than scent, during hunting.
They behave differently from other “true” big cats. Unlike the big cats, cheetahs cannot roar while inhaling. Instead, they can purr during inhalation, something that the big cats cannot do.
Cheetahs inhabit areas that have long stretch of land, which have ample presence of prey. They are more found in semi-desert, thick bush and prairie type of vegetation.
Female cheetahs catch live prey. to use them for teaching their cubs about hunting.
Cheetah cubs are very often attacked by predators. Their infant mortality is estimated to be around 75 %.
Cheetahs are more active during the day, than at night.
They are vulnerable to disease, owing to the shortage of genetic diversity in the population.
For a period of 18 months after birth, cheetahs normally do not wander out by themselves.
Cheetah cubs have an elongated gray-blue coat and black underbelly that, with the passage of time, becomes light colored and turns spotted.
Unlike other cats, cheetahs bear their spots from birth. They also have downy underlying fur on their necks, which is called mantle. Their mantle extends up to the mid-back and sheds with the growing age.
Cheetah cubs begin to grow independent of their mothers once they are between thirteen and twenty months.
King Cheetah is a rare species of cheetah that is characterized by a unique pelt pattern.
Cheetahs use their bold black lines around their muzzle to make several facial expressions. These expressions convey their mood aptly.
They quench their maximum thirst from the bodies of their prey. So, they have very less need of water.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Cheetah and the Golden Retriever
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thought this was a good article on Dr. Laurie Marker and the conservation of cheetahs.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Have you ever wished you could supplement your income while still working your current job? I know I have, and I don’t mean by stocking shelves at ShopRite or working at Home Depot on the weekends. I mean being able to determine your own hours and deciding how much you want to make. I think about it all the time. I have been a teacher for over 25 years. The salary isn’t keeping up with the economy, and the slogan in education seems to be, “Do more with less”. Retirement seems a long way off because 403b’s have taken a major hit and the state hasn’t funded the education pension fund in a few years.
Well, I believe my answer is, owning my own internet marketing business where I have little to no overhead, no inventory, no advertising, and no accounting responsibilities. I decide how much or how little I want to work. I know this is going to help me to retire in less than two years. I know it can help you too.
Well, I believe my answer is, owning my own internet marketing business where I have little to no overhead, no inventory, no advertising, and no accounting responsibilities. I decide how much or how little I want to work. I know this is going to help me to retire in less than two years. I know it can help you too.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
To Better Health
Thought this was an interesting article. We do customize our eyes with glasses...why NOT vitamins.
Customized Vitamins and Urine Testing Why should anyone want to take a "urine test" for the sake of getting vitamins? Well, there are a couple of reasons.
First is the fact that in order to optimize your health, you need vitamin supplements--and those supplements should be tailored to your unique person and health situation. Secondly, without testing, or if you only do a questionnaire test, you cannot get the most highly customized vitamin supplement to meet those health needs. Our unique health and vitamin needs are rooted in some variables that we have in common and others that are completely unique, in sum, to each individual. Shared traits that impact on our health include age, gender, weight-to-height ratio, and ethnicity. (Of course, not all people share those traits, but there are large groups of people in each instance who do.) But then there are the uniquely individual traits: genetics; lifestyle; personal experiences; environment; diet; emotional makeup; metabolism; and stress levels. While these variable traits might be extremely similar between different individuals, no two are exactly alike for anyone, and the different total combination's that these produce are even more dissimilar. The best indicator of exactly what you need for your unique vitamin supplementation is to be found in various levels of chemical compounds that will show up in your urine. Your urine sample, for instance, shows your metabolic end-production and the level of nitrous oxide in your blood and tissues. Nitrous oxide levels in the body are incredibly important, as research and discoveries about it in the 1990s proved. This chemical has a major impact on the health of the functioning of various detoxification, immunity, and circulatory systems and organs, such as the health of your liver and heart. Other metabolic end-product measurements can tell scientists whether or not your cellular tissues are getting the right amount of nutrients, and if not which nutrients need raising and basically to what degree. Consider that there are toxins all around us and within various products that we use all the time. Our liver and kidneys clean those out of our bodies, however. But what if they start to function less than optimally? Well, they have to be repaired. And there is simply no better or more efficient way of repairing and rejuvenating them than to feed them the right amounts of nutrients that they need to grow powerful again. Yet, how do you know that specific chemical nutrient mixture? Without urine testing, you don't--you will be taking one-size-fits-all, mass-produced vitamin supplements that only have a hit-and-miss chance of being exactly what you most need. Or you'll have to undergo major surgery, which is costly, invasive, and not even truly getting at the root problem. There are just too many different factors that make up your particular health needs, of your liver and of the rest of your body, for you to settle for those umbrella-like vitamin supplementations . You are you--you are not anyone else. You need the vitamin mixture that is best for you. The scientists involved use urine testing to find out what that is, just like doctors use it to determine other things about your health and lifestyle. It's really quite simple! ------------------------ Duncan Wierman applies a holistic approach to health care which means accepting responsibility for managing our own health.
Mac McCarthy
Customized Vitamins and Urine Testing Why should anyone want to take a "urine test" for the sake of getting vitamins? Well, there are a couple of reasons.
First is the fact that in order to optimize your health, you need vitamin supplements--and those supplements should be tailored to your unique person and health situation. Secondly, without testing, or if you only do a questionnaire test, you cannot get the most highly customized vitamin supplement to meet those health needs. Our unique health and vitamin needs are rooted in some variables that we have in common and others that are completely unique, in sum, to each individual. Shared traits that impact on our health include age, gender, weight-to-height ratio, and ethnicity. (Of course, not all people share those traits, but there are large groups of people in each instance who do.) But then there are the uniquely individual traits: genetics; lifestyle; personal experiences; environment; diet; emotional makeup; metabolism; and stress levels. While these variable traits might be extremely similar between different individuals, no two are exactly alike for anyone, and the different total combination's that these produce are even more dissimilar. The best indicator of exactly what you need for your unique vitamin supplementation is to be found in various levels of chemical compounds that will show up in your urine. Your urine sample, for instance, shows your metabolic end-production and the level of nitrous oxide in your blood and tissues. Nitrous oxide levels in the body are incredibly important, as research and discoveries about it in the 1990s proved. This chemical has a major impact on the health of the functioning of various detoxification, immunity, and circulatory systems and organs, such as the health of your liver and heart. Other metabolic end-product measurements can tell scientists whether or not your cellular tissues are getting the right amount of nutrients, and if not which nutrients need raising and basically to what degree. Consider that there are toxins all around us and within various products that we use all the time. Our liver and kidneys clean those out of our bodies, however. But what if they start to function less than optimally? Well, they have to be repaired. And there is simply no better or more efficient way of repairing and rejuvenating them than to feed them the right amounts of nutrients that they need to grow powerful again. Yet, how do you know that specific chemical nutrient mixture? Without urine testing, you don't--you will be taking one-size-fits-all, mass-produced vitamin supplements that only have a hit-and-miss chance of being exactly what you most need. Or you'll have to undergo major surgery, which is costly, invasive, and not even truly getting at the root problem. There are just too many different factors that make up your particular health needs, of your liver and of the rest of your body, for you to settle for those umbrella-like vitamin supplementations . You are you--you are not anyone else. You need the vitamin mixture that is best for you. The scientists involved use urine testing to find out what that is, just like doctors use it to determine other things about your health and lifestyle. It's really quite simple! ------------------------ Duncan Wierman applies a holistic approach to health care which means accepting responsibility for managing our own health.
Mac McCarthy
Monday, September 21, 2009
Holistic Fair

Yesterday, I went to Allentown's Holistic Fair. It was very nice. I got a reading with Brigitte Boyea who I have taken classes with. She is an awesome channel and has the most incredible calming energy. Thanks Brigitte! I always feel better after spending time with you! Brigitte now works from The Circle of Intention in High Bridge NJ.
Field Hockey
It's been awhile since I blogged last. But with school starting and coaching field hockey, I have been quite busy! The girls are off to a good start with the varsity 2-0. The freshmen are 1-1 and the jv's are 1-0. This week is a big week with Wallkill and Hackettstown. Hopefully the weather will hold up!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Top Three Errors Online So People Will Automatically Avoid You
Top Three Errors Online So People Will Automatically Avoid You
1. Don’t put your company or product in your screen-name unless you want people to automatically avoid you because they know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate. Also do not have a screen-name that only you understand, like with your children’s initials. Even worse do not have a screen-name with a bunch of unrelated numbers, such as “Julie 1234″!
2. Don’t put your company or product in your profile for the same reason. People can easily check your profile before talking or responding to you and once again automatically know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate. Put only the link to your personal blog (not your website from your company) in your profile. Also do not have your profile be nothing but quick facts about you. Your profile is not a resume or a yearbook listing of all the clubs you belong to!
3. Don’t have the email address you use have your company or product in it or something cute like “” because once again, everyone will know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate!
If you have any questions, email me at
1. Don’t put your company or product in your screen-name unless you want people to automatically avoid you because they know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate. Also do not have a screen-name that only you understand, like with your children’s initials. Even worse do not have a screen-name with a bunch of unrelated numbers, such as “Julie 1234″!
2. Don’t put your company or product in your profile for the same reason. People can easily check your profile before talking or responding to you and once again automatically know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate. Put only the link to your personal blog (not your website from your company) in your profile. Also do not have your profile be nothing but quick facts about you. Your profile is not a resume or a yearbook listing of all the clubs you belong to!
3. Don’t have the email address you use have your company or product in it or something cute like “” because once again, everyone will know they are going to be sold which 90% of people hate!
If you have any questions, email me at
Monday, September 14, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Reiki for animals
When I took Mario and Maria to the vet, I asked the doc if she had ever considered Reiki for her patients. She said yes and in fact wants to take Reiki classes. I told her I was a Reiki Master and could do that. So hopefully, I will be able to give Reiki to animals! And doc is going to take Reiki classes from me. I really feel that part of my calling is to do energy work on animals, so I am very excited about that!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
One of my passions is the plight of the cheetahs. These are beautiful animals that are facing extinction. I hope that people like Dr. Laurie Marker of the Cheetah Conservation Fund will continue their work and save this magnificent animal. This is a short video that explains what they do.
First Blog
Hi Everyone.
I wanted to be able to put my thoughts, passions, and pictures on the web so I thought I'd give this a try!
I wanted to be able to put my thoughts, passions, and pictures on the web so I thought I'd give this a try!
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